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Contrast: Why Doesn’t Pope Francis Talk Like This?

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Sifting through the voluminous reflection on family within the Catholic Church, one may encounter varying voices on this fundamental societal unit. Particularly under Pope Francis’ leadership, the discourse has evolved in both style and substance. Yet, a prevailing question echoes in the corridors of traditional Catholic dialogue: "Why doesn’t Pope Francis talk like this?" A critique offered by The Rev. James W. Jackson, FSSP, reflects a yearning for clarity, tradition, and a more direct approach to Church teachings on complex social issues.

A Priest Responds to the 2015 "Family Synod" Preparatory Document

Desire for Focused Solutions to Concrete Family Challenges

Identifying the profusion of issues faced by families today, The Rev. James W. Jackson suggests a narrowed focus. Addressing each problem, particularly cohabitation, within the wider Universal Church could yield significant improvements. This calls for concerted effort, and zealously underscores the need for ecclesiastical unity in tackling focal difficulties.

The Missing Language of Sin and Redemption

Rev. Jackson notes a glaring absence of traditional Catholic terms like sin and redemption in the preparatory documents. Instead, there is a shift towards secularizing language, heavily soaked in sociology and psychology, which he argues dilutes the Church's teachings.

Vagueness Diminishing Understandable Meaning

Vagueness plagues numerous statements within the documents. The call for reflection and responses to humanity's expectations without explicit reference to God's expectations is cited as being especially ambiguous and thus, inadequate.

Sentimentality and Misleading Notions of Mercy

The document's tender portrayal of mercy is critiqued for lacking the rigorousness found in scriptural accounts of Jesus' condemnations. Rev. Jackson cautions against a sentimental view of mercy which he believes can lead to misunderstandings about Church doctrine.

Skirting the Subject of Sin

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The reluctance to discuss sin explicitly is also criticized. Rev. Jackson underscores the necessity of acknowledging sin for the full comprehension of salvation, an acknowledgment seemingly skirted in the Synod document.

Missing Distinction Between Immediate and Long-term Goals

Rev. Jackson remarks on the absence of discernment between short-term and long-term goals, a critical element for the sustainable development of actionable church plans.

Unity of Faith: A Prerequisite for Missionary Conversion

The document's call for "missionary conversion" is met with skepticism due to the lack of emphasis on doctrinal unity—a unity of faith—seen as vital for any profound ecclesial transformation.

A Crisis of Faith Undefined

Rev. Jackson probes deeper into the crisis of faith mentioned, urging for a clear definition and causative understanding of this crisis to move forward effectively.

Secular Influences and The Challenges They Pose

The dangers of secular Western culture are mentioned but not elaborated on, which could inadvertently undermine the foundations of faith. Rev. Jackson yearns for a direct confrontation of societal issues such as pornography and specific strains of harmful ideology.

A List of Solutions: Abstract and Sentimental

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Upon reviewing the document's proposed solutions, Rev. Jackson finds them lacking in substance and clarity, referencing traditional church activities that seemingly continue without the sought-after impact.

The Nuance of Addressing Family Trauma

The subject of family break-up is touched upon, yet the suggestion to streamline the annulment process is disconnected from addressing the wound's complex nature.

Revisiting the Sacramental Admission for Divorced and Remarried

Considering the controversial topic of sacramental admission for the divorced and remarried, Rev. Jackson questions the broader implications for all seeking the sacraments, challenging any indiscriminate approach to access.

Clarity Amidst the Vague in Human Life Transmission

In a concluding note of affirmation, Rev. Jackson finds solace in clear teachings related to the transmission of human life, a rarity within the overarching document.

In essence, the discourse projects a disheartening image for traditionalists like Rev. Jackson. The very fabric of Catholic teachings veiled in uncertainty, secular inclinations, and sentimentality, appears to diverge from the Church's historical straightforwardness and richness of faith tradition.

Yet even in the critique of ecclesiastical documents, one can recognize a form of intellectual pilgrimage—a journey of faith seeking understanding within the modern Church, a realm where age-old doctrine meets the profound challenges of contemporary life.


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